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Updated: Mar 7

Now this may not sound positive but, bear with me, let's start the right way!

We are in the third month of the year, but by now, New Year's resolutions are becoming a distant memory and the year is starting to feel like it’s been here for longer than three months.

And honestly, the constant declaration of hardship over media platforms does not help. It is easy to just slump, lose zeal, have no expectation and fall into "Que será, será, whatever will be, will be".

But you still have to fight, you cannot allow the slump. Why? Because you are at war! The war isn't physical as much as it is mental. This war is against your productivity!

This year, if there is anything you must fight for: it is for your productivity!

Shout this out: IN 2024 I WILL BE PRODUCTIVE!

“Things are getting expensive! The cost of living is increasing!” “There are no jobs!” “Things are hard!” What other narratives have you heard and found yourself believing along those lines? What are they all pointing to?

Impossibilities! Hardships! Discouragement! Telling you, YOU CAN'T!

If you believe them, not only will you believe you can't but by December 2024, you will find that you will not have.

God forbid you go through another year with your list of goals and things you plan to achieve list undone!

Hold on. Do not feel pressured because this is not me pressuring you. This is me drawing your attention to the war going on. The war that many do not see and some are comfortable diagnosing with fancy names like ‘imposter syndrome’ and ‘procrastination’.

In Genesis, when God first created man, He blessed man and said "Be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion."

In summary, His instructs us to fight to be productive!

Application: What's threatening your productivity? What are you letting steal your time? What can you let go to mitigate the threats? What tools can you adopt to help you?

Think through and know that you can make the necessary changes you need to. You can choose to make the changes in stages, not all at once, so you don't get overwhelmed.



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